Tuesday, February 12, 2013

IRS Notices - Not as scary if you have someone in your corner.

A client of mine received a notice from the IRS late last year with a hefty $1.950 penalty for not filing an additional partner the company had.  While this was an honest mistake it was going to cost her.  Instead of paying the debt right away I asked if I could call and speak with them regarding this.  She has always been in good with them so the IRS was willing to completely waive the fee.  Most people would of just sent a check but you should always try and call and negotiate the fee down or away. 

Having a bookkeeper in your corner willing to negotiate on your behalf could be the partner you need.  

Contact Accounting By The Hour today to add us to your corner.  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Why Cash Can Hurt - Bookkeeping Tips!

Avoid cash. Instead, use your debit or credit card religiously. When you use cash you lose track of potential write-offs. If you have to pull money out of an ATM, note on the receipt the purpose of the withdrawal.

Stop saying, "I'm a small business, I don't need a bookkeeper." The longer you wait to set up good accounting practices, the more expensive it will become.  Contact us today to learn about our services - www.accountingbythehourllc.com

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Accounting tip - Why hiring a professional is important.

Hiring a bookkeeping professional will save business owners time and angst. Professional bookkeepers are experts in their field and can streamline the business accounting process. Though business owners often insist on keeping their companies books, their lack of expertise can result in improperly recorded data and wasted time and money. Books can be completed accurately and in a timely fashion by a bookkeeping professional and is the best long-run option for businesses.  Need help on your businesses' books or know someone who does?  Accounting by the Hour LLC is here to help - contact us today!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Phone Expenses- Start the new year off right.

           Many people use their home phone for business and personal use.  Each month take the time to go through your phone bill and highlight calls that were made for business.  Make a quick note about who the call was or what deal it involved.  Many times small businesses lose this tax deduction because they didn't keep good records.  A bookkeeper or accountant will not write off these unless you can classify the difference correctly.  It's much easier to do it monthly then yearly.

Stop saying, "I'm a small business, I don't need a bookkeeper." The longer you wait to set up good accounting practices, the more expensive it will become.  Contact us today to learn about our services - www.accountingbythehourllc.com